
Showing posts with label Caucasus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caucasus. Show all posts

The Muslim

I do not remember exactly how I went through the Internet to the "intermediary". He was a young man in his thirties, a university student who had found a very exotic way of working part-time. He drove around the toilets of the city and left his mobile phone number on the walls. Sort of suck dick. (Now this form is very common: a mobile phone number is written on the walls of the toilet. Whoever does not need it will never call in his life, but the ones who are looking for it will call.) This way the mediator found clients and introduced them to those who were interested. For this service he took a one-time commission fee of 400 rubles, such a small amount.

Once he brought me a handsome man from the Caucasus about thirty years old. The Caucasian stayed with me, and the mediator left with his commission. The Caucasian did not tell anything about himself, he even hid his ethnic origin. People from the Caucasus, especially representatives of small ethnic groups, have a panicky fear that their fellow tribesmen will find out about their non-traditional connections. Before the intermediary brought him to me, he tortured him with questions whether I had any connection with the Caucasus.

The Caucasian turned out to be a very good guy - with a gorgeous body and impressive other arguments. And in general he was handsome. When he passionately kissed me, he put his finger in my ass, and it seemed to me that now in bed we would fuck in every way.

But it was not to be! He fucked only in the mouth, for a long time and painfully, could not come in any way, from time to time he again put his finger in my ass. Finally, I asked him what was the matter, why he did not want to fuck in the ass.

- There is a reason. Can not say.
- What is the reason, what is the matter, - I stuck to him.

The reason turned out to be this: it is allegedly written in the Koran that it is possible to put it in the mouth, but not in the ass. Whoever does it in the ass will burn in hell. And in the mouth - nothing, it is allowed.

It seemed strange to me - is he really that stupid? We met a couple more times, because he himself was too good... Then the go-between brought me another person, also a Caucasian, also a Muslim, but devoid of such restrictions. He still lives with me, for several years now.

All the same, this intermediary, who went round the toilets of the city and scratched his phone number there, did such a good job! Without him, I would never have crossed paths with the one I live with now.

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Return to Russia. Heady nineties


So, in the mid-90s, I packed my things and went home. No one in France really noticed my disappearance. I also said goodbye to this country easily and did not miss anyone.

But Russia was already different. You couldn't go back to your past.

During Perestroika and later, television and newspapers intensively “enlightened” people, launched the knowledge about homosexuality to the broad masses, to the mob, to the common people, and they launched it and continue to launch obsessively, intensely and aggressively. Now almost everyone knew everything about faggots almost from kindergarten - “orally”, “anally”, “active”, “passive” and so on. Once I was walking behind two boys about ten years old and overheard their conversation. In conversation, they figured out the difference between pedophiles and pederasts.

Everyone knows everything, including those who need not know it. Once in France, one of my friends said: "There is no mystery here." Well, now in Russia there is no mystery too.

I remember in the 90s I turned on the TV and heard this: “Now we will take a tour of the gay places in London.” They are drawn to this topic, terribly drawn! Although these same "faggots" - you will not find them however hard you tried. I often ask, where are your "faggots", about which you are so fucking crazy, where are they? In response, they mumbled something vague.

I am traveling in a compartment of a long-distance train with one unattractive man, we are traveling together. He tells me: “It’s good that you ended up in my compartment, otherwise it could have been someone like Boris Moiseev (famous pop star, gay), he would have pawed my legs” (oh yes, who would want to paw your legs!).

Another problem was the physical degeneration of people. If before walking down the street was a feast for the eyes, a pleasure from looking at dashing guys, strong, tall, broad-boned, with protruding buttocks, now, even with all sorts of pumping up, I see some kind of degenerates. Small, petite, non-sexy faces, thin fingers, flat asses, trousers hanging behind like a curtain. Men from the Caucasus also degenerated. For example, Dagestan has become populated by short men with average height of 1.60, most of them. Uzbeks used to be tall too, now I see only small ones. Bloody hell! I read on dating sites - there are thirty-year-old men weighing 55-58-60 kg!

However, these changes did not happen overnight. In the 1990s, there were still remnants of the past. Even then, there were attractive guys, normal men from the Caucasus, there was Yeltsin's freedom, a lot of eateries, beer pubs, wineries, where people easily entered into conversations and got to know each other. There were no cell phones that were constantly in hand. The ears were not plugged with headphones. (These mobile phones and headphones will return to you like a boomerang in the face!)

There were many Chechens. I once asked one of them - are you a Chechen or what? He smiled and immediately asked: “Listen, what do you want, mate? So tell me, don't be shy." We then had sex. I approached a tall Caucasian guy of a sporty type on the platform and asked something, he also smiled, and his dick got hard. How nice!

There were a lot of stalls, chaotic trade, cheap eateries open around the clock. At night you could go outside and see life.

Once I went to a stall and asked something from the Azerbaijani guy who worked there, like "where are you from." He immediately told me to wait five minutes for him to close the stall, and together we drove to my house. We fucked in different ways and a lot... 

Another time I saw in the evening, already in the dark, an Azerbaijani, a guy selling watermelons on the street. And I was drunk and even walked with a glass of wine. Immediately, somewhere in the dark, I took his dick in my mouth. But he protested - "you don't need to put it in your mouth, I want to fuck you in the ass." We went to an old car standing nearby, right at the crossroads, where there was a stream of people, the seats were laid out there, I lay down, and he fucked me in the ass. Moreover, some other merchants knew and saw what was happening there, in the car. No problem!

The last case of dating “in the old style” happened to me at the end of the 1990s. I couldn't sleep, and I was drunk. At about one in the morning I went to our metro station. Everything was already closed. There's a guy hanging around here who's stuck and can't get home. A Russian, also drunk. Good guy. Married. I invited him to my place, told him that at my house we can add booze. We came, drank, started talking about women. He told me that he likes to lick. Well, pussy, of course.

In short, I got doggy style on the couch, and he took care of my ass. He put his fingers in there, tried to put his fives in, then licked the ass, fucked, again stuck his fingers and palm, fucked, licked the ass, fucked, fucked to the point of insanity, licked the ass again, pulled out the sperm with his fingers and smeared it on my ass, licked, fucked, etc. Wow - he wanted to lick а pussy, but licked my ass!

Exhausted, we collapsed and fell asleep. In the morning, as expected, he had a hard-on, and he fucked me. The most intense situation was later, when I gave him tea in the kitchen. He looked at me with wide eyes, trying to understand what had happened and who I was. But he quickly packed up and left. I then wondered - how did this happen? After all, he is not at all gay!

In fact, the majority of straights, except for congenital cunt-addicts, maybe two-thirds of straights could well fuck with men alternatively, if it weren’t for the pressure of public opinion, if this topic wasn’t forced on male society and on society in general.

Then came the 2000s, a completely different era. You won’t meet guys like this one again by chance, men from the Caucasus were kicked out, their place was taken by small and completely sexless Uzbek guest workers, young people, as I already wrote, physically degenerated, besides, they became some kind of stupid and aggressive. Everything has moved to the Internet.

Yes, and I got old. But about very recent times - somehow later.

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Passing through Dagestan


In the distant 1980, it seems, in the month of October, I decided to make a trip to the Transcaucasus, not my first trip to those parts. The first stop was Makhachkala, the capital of the Autonomous Republic of Dagestan. I managed to immediately rent a room at the “Dagestan Hotel”, although it was a double room and someone else stayed there too. I immediately found a local cruising area, it was on the sea promenade, there was also a toilet and benches nearby. Classic cruising area! I sat down on the bench. Immediately, a handsome, but small Azerbaijani, who seemed to have come from Baku, hurried up to me. He really wanted to fuck me, but I kept refusing. I suspected that he had a small dick (although I'm not a dick size addict, still size matters!). The fact that he has a small one was later revealed to me by one Latvian faggot, prowling the same boulevard. Tall, blonde, with a characteristic Latvian accent, an obvious "girl" and a lover of cocks, he did not leave me alone, stuck to me like a limpet. It has always been strange to me that “girls” are so stubbornly trying to pick me up. This one, from Riga, literally begged: “Well, let me at least suck!” I got angry and scolded her: “You are crazy, we are in Dagestan, where men are overflowing with the desire to fuck someone, but you have not found anyone better than me. Go look for Dagestani men!”

At the hotel, in the hall where the reception was, I met a Dagestani guy. He came to Makhachkala to visit or find out something about his brother, who was in a remand prison there. There were no places in the hotel, and I invited him to sleep in my room, on one bed. He immediately fell asleep, but in the morning his cock got hard. He had a desire to fuck me. He asked if he may. However, I refused him, because my ass was completely unprepared for this action. I still regret that it happened this way.

This is where my Makhachkala adventures ended. I was afraid to bring anyone to the hotel, I had all my things and money there, a large amount intended for the upcoming long journey.

I left by bus for Derbent. There also turned out to be a place in a hotel, and a young Azerbaijani was in the room with me. True, he left for the night, returned only in the morning and suddenly began to apologize to me for being absent (why apologize?). He said that he had fucked a Russian barmaid from a station restaurant.

Derbent. Railway station:


In the evening I decided to go out, trudged through this provincial town to the station (where else!). A strong wind was blowing from the Caspian Sea, pieces of paper and garbage were flying in the air, the streets were deserted. Only the outlines of the huge Derbent fortress stood out in this autumn darkness. I came to the railway station, where everything was lit up, there were people, some kind of movement, life. People gathered waiting for a train to Makhachkala. I just stood at the wall in the waiting room, looking at people. I glanced at a handsome young man, a Dagestani… Suddenly he came up to me and asked:

- Are you a queen?

I was taken aback by this question. But I quickly realized that he was not familiar with the subtleties of the Russian language, that he had heard this word somewhere, but did not know about its correct use. I had to answer something vague. It was clear to me that he simply had in mind sexual relations between men and my attitude towards them.

His name was Niko, a Dargin, he was waiting for a train to Makhachkala. We started talking, went out to the platform, smoked there. It turned out that he served in the army in the suburbs of Leningrad. Cunning faggots did the following trick there: there was a long line to the cinema (sometimes the tickets were sold out), they bought one more ticket for the show in advance and looked out at the end of the line for someone to sell this ticket to. Then, when they were seated in the auditorium, the faggot was next to this guy and in the dark did something with him, at least touched him. This is exactly what happened to Niko. He was touched in the cinema during the film, and then invited to the apartment, where there was a "gay party", a bunch of drinking faggots. “And then something unusual happened, Niko says. "My dick got hard, and of course I started doing it with them too."

But then he told me something remarkable. He began to invite me (somehow not very forcefully) to go back to Makhachkala. He promised to make me know people. They have everything there secretly and exclusively by word of mouth. There was something like a secret community of lovers of sex between men. But everything is very covert, no publicity. So Niko was in such a community. It seemed to me that he was not sure whether it was possible to bring new people there.

He left, and I remained on the dark platform, trudging into an empty hotel room.

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Felix and his sportsmen

Chronologically, it was already later, in the year 1980, or about that time. We lived without telephone, and one day the doorbell rang. There were three Armenian guys, they arrived in Leningrad. Someone gave them my address. Then it was customary to take addresses from friends in order to stay in another city. Well, these Armenians knew who they were going to, because they were given my address by an acquaintance who had had sex with me. All of them were students of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Yerevan. Felix was cheerful, active, strummed the guitar, we drank. We slept together, we had sex. The other two of his comrades also came to fuck me, but Felix was, as it were, my main one. Of course, they all dreamed of women, but on occasion they could well fuck guys. Bisexuals.

By the way, they did not understand our Russian women at all, they could take any Russian whore for a beauty and the ideal of their dreams. Which happened a couple of years later, when this Felix tried to settle in Leningrad. He began to live with some slut (with children), who drank and smoked. Once he came to me in panic - urgently find a doctor for me to treat gonorrhea, which he picked up from his drinking concubine. And he himself was a handsome man, an athlete!

We have long noticed that men from the Caucasus see in women, first of all, only a pussy. We have often seen some handsome Georgian or Armenian walk in company of a repulsive woman whom no one here in Russia would look at. Also people from the Caucasus cannot determine our age.

After a while I went to Yerevan, stayed at a hotel and found this Felix. He often came to my hotel room alone or with friends, we had sex - with him and with his friends taking tourns.

And they themselves, by the way, all the time went out on the balcony to see if some visiting Russian woman would accidentally come out. They wanted to pick up some woman in this central hotel. But there were no women! Affordable women are a rarity there. The situation was like in a men's prison, so to speak.

Felix - we must give him his due - all the time wanted to give me presents and introduce me to as many handsome Armenian guys as possible. Once he brought a certain Hamlet (this was his real name), also from his own institute of sports, a really handsome man. Unfortunately, we didn’t really succeed, we fumbled with him, but his dick never got up. He was very worried about this and later apologized. “Well, I don’t know what happened, I don’t have an erection and that’s it,” he said (he probably masturbated often).

Armenian Institute of Fysical Culture and Sports

But Felix came up with another idea of genius. He brought me to the hostel of the Yerevan Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. First, we stood in front of the entrance to the hostel, and Felix approached one or another student and said something in his ear. He probably said something like: “you know, there is one Russian guy here, well ... that is ... he, like a woman, wants to be fucked in the mouth and in the ass, do you want to be with him?”

It was then that I realized how this Caucasian (and generally southern) bisexuality functions. It functions best through friends and recommendation, but not through hot spots or street pick-ups. 2/3 of guys and men or even more are ready to fuck guys and men, but most of them will never take any active steps to find someone.

Near the dormitory of the Institute of Sports there was a continuous flow of students, and I was surprised to see how Felix recruited his acquaintances for me. I came to the hostel in the evening to a specially prepared room which was reserved for me. I was locked up there, and the key was held by Felix and his friend Vartan. Actually, they stood at the door and regulated the queue that formed towards me. And there was a big queue! (This is a unique case, this can never happen again!) The first ones have already begun to arrive... He enters, and the door is locked behind him. It should be noted that at first everyone wanted to fuck in the mouth. I'm sitting, and a student athlete stands in front of me, pulls out his dick and says: "suck!"

But then they still went for the ass. There was noise and uproar behind the door, I can make out some Armenian words like “faggot” and “fuck”. I must say that 2/3 of my visitors did not impress me in terms of their sizes and sexual capabilities. This is generally true for athletes. With impressive external forms in the pants, most often there is something very modest inside. On the contrary, some random strangers, not students, who were hanging around the hostel at that moment and got into this stream, left a good impression.

One of them was very good! While fucking he kept asking me, "where did you learn to give in the ass so well?". “I never thought it could  be such a thrill. Will you come with me to my city? All my friends will fuck you there too.” He kept fussing, could not decide where he should come - in the mouth or in the ass. “I’m going to cum in your ass now… no, I’ll pull out my dick and cum in your mouth…” However, he didn’t have time to pull it out, and finished in the ass.

There were also gloomy types. One hunky guy, like a weightlifter, comes in but the dick is mediocre. He puts it in my mouth and says:

“I would kill you if I meet you anywhere else. If not for Felix, I would have killed you because i hate faggots”.

The queue moved forward. Ten people passed. I sit in swimming trunks on the edge of the bed, looking indifferently in the space in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see the crowd of students. "Me, me, my turn now!" (in Armenian) - I understood this from their gestures and intonations.

All of a sudden everything stops. The hostel is dead. It turns out that a football match will be shown on local television. Felix and Vartan gave me the keys to the room. After making sure that there was no one in the corridor, I went to the shower and toilet and put myself in order there.

After the end of the football match, everything began anew. Felix and Vartan stood up with the key on the door and let those who wished through, strictly one at a time. Finally, I already wanted to stop this business, I was fed up, I felt that enough was enough. but no! They beg me to stay, “because there is another guy standing here, he has been waiting for two hours, he did not have time before football, and now he is waiting.” I served this suffering guy.

In conclusion, I was fucked by my organizers and gatekeepers - Felix and Vartan. At first I counted, but then I began to lose count. It seems like twenty-five people passed through me, no fewer. They all had this psychological mechanism that if someone fucks, then they must also fuck, and if they refuse, then it means that they are, as it were, not real men.

Tired, happy and surprised, I returned to my hotel room. You can try this once in a lifetime!


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Live with your lover's foster family

And yet the Internet is a good thing! Although dating through special sites turned out to be of little success (the need for preliminary m...