
Showing posts with label bulgaria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bulgaria. Show all posts

Bulgaria as a foreign country


I went to Bulgaria twice – first time in 1974, as a tourist, for two weeks, and then in 1976 at the invitation of Stefan, whom I met on the previous trip in the city of Pleven and who fucked me well in the city park on the last evening before the departure of our group.

Of course, in Bulgaria it was much more interesting than in Russia or Czechoslovakia. Bulgarians, as a southern people, are bisexual. One faggot, who went to Bulgaria on my advice, described it as follows: “the whole country is a cruising area. You strike up a conversation with someone  on the street in a small town by asking for a light, and the conversation ends with us going to fuck”.

So, in 1976 I came to Stefan (see him real photo) in the city of Pleven, and spent almost three months in Bulgaria. Stefan was two years older than me, he was an active fucker. At first I was in love with him, but soon I realized that it weighed him down. He preferred diversity, finding as many different partners as possible. In a word, he wanted to fuck different people. In the end, I came to terms with it. He fucked me from time to time, and together we travelled around Bulgaria (his friend had a car), we stayed in different places by the sea and also looked for sexual adventures together.

While still in Pleven, I remember one case. On a day off, Stefan and I went out into the street and suddenly our eyes locked with those of two or three (I don’t remember exactly) soldiers. The soldiers were swarthy, almost Turkish in appearance. We took them to a cafe and fed them, and then we went to a forest-like park near the city. We lay down on the grass and began to fuck. I was fucked, it seems, by two soldiers. They were good - simple, with all the soldiers' smells of uniforms and boots, not glamorous, as they are now - with shaved pubes and armpits and decorative tattoos (I can't stand it!). They were modest and quiet, they did not ask for anything in return, but just wanted to fuck with someone. Fucking with us was in the nature of things for them, they were not “gays”, and no one knew such a word yet ... I liked this lack of boundaries between sexual orientations.

It was a mystery to me what the active Stefan was doing with the soldier. After all, he couldn't fuck him. I asked him. He angrily replied that “it doesn’t matter” and  “don’t impose your ideas on sexual roles on us here, everything is different with us.” Apparently, due to the predominance of the active role among the Bulgarians, they, having got together engage in some kind of  mutual friction and masturbation. I don't remember about the mouth, oral sex, about sucking. I don't even remember talking about it. I didn't do it there, and no one forced me to do it.

Bulgaria was flooded with foreign tourists, including those from "capitalist countries". The majority were Germans. It was because of them that extensive male prostitution arose in the country. It was especially visible in Varna, where we came to stay. Male prostitution was practiced almost exclusively by gypsies.

City beach in Varna. Just our place:

In Varna, all gay meeting places on the beach and in the city center, as well as in the baths, were literally swarming with gypsies. Bulgarian gypsies, unlike ours, are more swarthy, closer to the Indian type. A characteristic feature of the gypsies: big dicks.

Bulgarian gypsies:

On the city beach of Varna, where there was a zone for gays, there was a place for naked sunbathing, surrounded by a high fence, and at the end of the day, when the beach was closed  by PAS announcement, a number of gypsy guys lined up on the gallery, supposedly changing clothes or drying themselves in the sun, with large dangling dicks. They stood and shook them. These were those who for the whole day could not find a foreign sugar daddy and who, before closing, hoped to get their last chance.

We, our company, did not lie on the beach in this enclosed place for nudists, we only passed through it. What was there? A monstrous sight, an insult for the faggots! I was even ashamed in front of the straight Bulgarians, who also passed there and turned away in disgust. All this vast enclosed space for naked sunbathing was filled with the ugly bodies of fat elderly German faggots who did not lie, but held themselves in a strange position of lifting their ass and parting their buttocks so that their anus with a bunch of red hair could be seen. Their butts were exposed to the sun, as if for sunbathing in the region of the intergluteal crack and anus.

In general, the Germans annoyed me with their constant stripping naked. This is what they call “naked body culture” (Freikörperkultur, FKK), and they are completely unaware that the body can be unaesthetic or even ugly and that it should not be put on public display.

Once Stefan and I went to the city common showers in Varna. Naturally, it was full of gypsies with gleaming eyes. Somehow they immediately identified me. They approached Stefan and asked: “is your friend gay? We want to fuck him. We need no money. Let him come with us to our place.” They stared, smiled, winked. Of course, I refused this offer to go to in the company of gypsies to the outskirts of the city.

But I still fucked with one gypsy. True, it was an educated gypsy - his name was Stoyan, a student, or already an engineer. Somehow it happened that we ended up with him in a small room, very small, where there was one bed and a number of chairs. Three more Czech faggots were with us, of course they were super-passive "girls", some other people were there too. We drank. It seemed it was was time one should start to fuck. And I don't remember how it happened that Stoyan and I decided to arrange a show fucking session. How I did this, I still don't understand. The Czechs and others were sitting, as it were, in the first row of the "auditorium", while Stoyan and I climbed onto the bed. I got up doggystyle on the bed, and he fucked me with his big gypsy cock for probably half an hour. All the time, pulling out his dick and pushing it back ... And no awkwardness, no unfortunate incident happened. Everything turned out great and made an indelible impression on the audience.

Moreover, the impression was so indelible that stories about how “one Russian gave a great fuck” were retold for a long time among the faggots in Prague, in the Czech Republic. Two years later, some other Czechs arrived in the Soviet Union (someone gave them my address), and suddenly they began to tell me about that incident in Bulgaria, about “that Russian”. Fantastic!

Well, this Stoyan, was perhaps my most vivid impression of Bulgaria. We kept in touch with him for a while...

I returned home through Romania. I was in Bucharest for two days. Romania was not the same as bisexual Bulgaria. It is more northern, more European. You can’t say about Romania that the whole country is a cruising area.

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