
Showing posts with label pop_stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pop_stars. Show all posts

Gay guy meets a Soviet pop star


I already wrote that many faggots had female idols. Some preferred ballerinas, others operetta female singers, but most often women from the pop world. Edita Piekha enjoyed special love with her non-standard voice and demeanor, a light foreign accent. In 1960 and in the early 70s, Piekha really stood out against the background of the monotonous Soviet pop squeakers.

Almost every cruising area in the USSR had a gay regular with the nickname "Edita Piekha", sometimes just "Edita". There were also those who managed to really get acquainted with the ideal of their dream transformation into a woman. Pop singers, including Piekha, knew that they had a big gay following, and did not neglect them at all. It was even somehow accepted that this or that pop star regularly met in real life with a gay guy, listened to compliments from him and received a bouquet of flowers.

Around 1975, something like this happened. One quite decent and fashionably dressed guy, a passionate admirer of Edita Piekha and having known her for some time, apparently decided to arrange another meeting with her. He reserved a table for two at a restaurant in the center of Moscow, ordered many dishes and various alcoholic drinks ... At the appointed hour, Edita Piekha appeared in person. She didn't even sit down, she just stood by the table for about seven minutes, sipped a glass of champagne, exchanged a few words and hurried away.

But what happiness! The gay guy met Piekha in flesh and blood, and now he could tell everyone about it! Excited, he started drinking what was on the table! More... more... more... This guy got drunk, and when the waiter came up, he immediately began to pester him. The waiter, without hesitation, escorted a completely drunk gay man to a secluded place in the basement of the restaurant where the waiter allowed the guy to suck him off. Then he called other waiters. They also fucked this gay in the mouth. And then ... and then all sorts of workers and porters came running, and everyone took turns fucking the guy in the mouth and in the ass ... Everyone who was in the basement at that time took part, even all scum. In the end, the faggot was lying unconscious on the floor with his pants pulled down, his ass bare.

After this incident, the whole restaurant staff told and retold in detail for another three days how they "fucked the fag in the mouth and in the ass." One porter boasted how he filled the whole mouth of the fag with sperm ...

This is how transition from the sublime to the dirty and low happened. However, I do not think that the drunk faggot was dissatisfied with anything later or had regrets about what happened. Most likely, he did want to be fucked by many men at once. This happened. Moreover, neither money nor documents were stolen from him.

I do not condemn this faggot and do not want to laugh at him. It just so often happens in life that the sublime merges with ridiculous. Because they exist side by side.

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