
Simplicity of manners


In the USSR, in a country where the common folk took power, an amazing simplicity of morals reigned. People relieved their needs openly, not in the least embarrassed and not hiding from the eyes of strangers. There were a lot of public restrooms where there were no partitions between toilet seats at all, and men not only sat and shit, but also entered into conversations with each other, asked for a cigarette. Often somebody asked: “uh, do you have a piece of newspaper?” They wiped themselves with newspapers, toilet paper was rare, and certainly not available in public restrooms. The fact that they wiped themselves with newspapers is nothing. Many simply wiped themselves with a hand or a finger.

I remember a big wooden latrine in the park. Six places to shit and a urinal in the form of a wooden trough. I went there and witnessed a lively conversation between shitting men. Public latrines were also places for drinking alcoholic beverages and surrogates, often cologne. Its strong smell filled the whole room and killed the stink in the toilet.

In the restrooms, when they pissed, standing in a row, they farted. Every now and then loud "shots" were heard.

Of course, in every public restroom, "I suck dick" or "I get fucked in the ass" was written or scrawled on the wall, and often specified - "by whoever has a big one." As a rule, such announcements were not commented on, but sometimes something like “you fucking look what these freaks write!" was added.

Another feature of Soviet civilization was the desire to display a pile of shit in a conspicuous place. Well, the bushes were all littered with shit, no surprise there, but very often I saw heaps of fresh shit right in the middle of a walking path, when it was done on purpose, as a kind of protest to the whole world and as a deep, essential disgust for the world order. Early summer morning on a beautiful day, one would walk through the park, and right in the middle of the path - a pile of shit.

It was customary to drink alcohol outdoors. In many places, especially along the railway, there were groups of men and boys, reclining or sitting on wooden boxes, and drinking.

But it also happened that these drunkards were fucked in the ass! I knew one guy, a passive queen, who in the late evenings used to walk along the train rails, where before men drank alcohol en masse.

Some strong ordinary guys fell asleep, passed out in the same place where they drank. So this fagot (she had Vaseline with her) fucked them in the ass! After making sure that the guy was soundly asleep, she pulled down his pants, touched his genitals and ass, put her finger in the ass, licked his ass (now it's called rimming) and fucked him for real (this fag had a decent "clitoris").

Interestingly, when sober, did these guys and men feel that they had been fucked in the ass? Did they see cum when they shit? Hardly.

The simplicity of morals also consisted in the freedom of physical contact between men in public places, between strangers. As a rule, they did not have any homosexual subtext, but they caused short-term sexual arousal. In a crowded transport, one could freely rub against someone, as if accidentally putting a hand on a man's cock, and often the man got a hard-on. It was possible to press your ass into a man standing behind, and it also happened that his dick would get hard. Sometimes such contacts continued, when both got out of the transport and went to look for a secluded place. In public transport, when holding on to the railing bars, often the hands of men  touched each other, sometimes a man, holding on to the railing, put his big hand on mine, and we travelled like this. It happened several times that because of this I missed my stop.

Sometimes they just put a hand on their neighbour’s shoulder. Another time, in the underground carriage, an unfamiliar young man who was standing behind me, as the train approached the station and started slowing down, put his hands on my hips ... We stood like that for a while. Now it seems unthinkable...

The men also slept in the same bed. In certain circumstances this had to be done. Once upon a time in a hotel (after all, free beds were almost impossible to find!) I had to sleep with a peasant in the same bed (we did nothing). And in Batumi, where I rested, in the private sector, in some customized rooms, they rented out beds. For one person 3 rubles, for two in one it was 1.50 each. And I used this opportunity to the fullest! Imagine going to bed with a Georgian!

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Dreams of Moscow

From the melancholy of Leningrad (now it is St. Petersburg) one could go crazy. All gay meeting places were either deserted, or there were the same people who were of no interest to me. Sometimes there was a feeling that in this big Soviet city you were the only one so crazy. And so, I began to pin all my hopes on other cities, at first on Moscow. After all, Moscow is the capital, such a big city, everyone should go there ...

 I had a group of gay friends in Moscow. Together with one friend, I often went to visit them, especially during long Soviet holidays. There were in this company mainly intellectuals with a vague sexual profile. They engaged in mutual friction, touching, blowjobs, performed some incomprehensible sexual acts, etc. In general, they were of no interest to me sexually. Among them there were no men as such. These Moscow friends did not go to the city cruising areas, it was considered bad manners, they despised the men from the Caucasus, and so I visited these meeting places without telling anyone.

And these friends from the Moscow gay company ... most of them subsequently left for various Western countries. The fate of many of those who left was sad, even tragic. They all thought that there would find utter happiness in the West, and they could not imagine that many people would face mortal danger there.

In Moscow the main cruising area was located in the square near the Bolshoi Theater, i.e. in the very center of the city. Also queens congregated near the Marx Avenue metro station. I spent a lot of time there and not only there, I had occasional pickups, but not a single one left a mark on my memory. As always, representatives of the Caucasus, who were newcomers or lived in Moscow, helped out.

Once I was passing through Moscow, traveling all suntanned from the Crimea, and in the main Moscow cruising area I met an Azerbaijani. I spent the night at his place. In the semi-darkness of the room, he could not take his eyes off my contrasting white ass, my tanline, he admired it all the time. And he fucked me many times.

Once in Moscow I also had an affair with a Georgian. Outwardly, he was interesting, he made an impression. But over time, I noticed that his predominant interests were not masculine. His interests were mainly ballet, then also opera, mostly female opera singers. In addition, he knew by heart all the romances and songs of one sentimental female singer, he hummed them when we walked down the street. I soon rejected him. Apparently he died a long time ago. But his photo remained:


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Most of the faggots wanted to suck cock. In the conditions of the city and the general lack of their own housing, this was the easiest and most efficient way. The American "Kinsey Report" (The Kinsey Reports, 1948 & 1953) long ago confirmed that 2/3 of homosexuals prefer oral sex. Approximately so it was in our distant Soviet reality. "I suck dick" was inscribed or scrawled in all public toilets. Even in remote and provincial towns it could be seen on the wall of the toilet of the bus station of some god-forsaken regional centers. There were a lot of old and very old people - cocksuckers. Often you would only look at some old faggot, and his mouth would immediately open and his tongue would lick his lips. It meant "I suck." Or when you pass by, they whisper: “I will suck, I will suck.”

In the urinals of public toilets, when men pissed, they had a short-term sexual arousal, they looked around. The faggots "worked" right there, especially the cocksuckers and blowjobs lovers. Some stood at the urinal for hours, waiting for someone to show up. They jerked off their cocks, turned their heads, leaned over, looked at the cocks of others.

The process of picking up was like this: at the cruising area, in the lavatory or somewhere else, two faggots would catch each other's eyes and walk down the street, one after the other. Not both of them were necessarily gay, one of the pair could have been a random straight guy. In this manner they would follow one another and check the entrances of the buildings (they were all unlocked at that time). Finally, the one in front darts into some dark entrance that seemed suitable to him. As a rule, they climbed to the top  floor, sometimes they even climbed into the attic. But first they had “to stand together”. To touch cocks, to check who has what. After that, one squatted or bent over and sucked. Usually everything happened without talking, and after the job was done, they silently parted ways. Inside the building entrance passers-by, residents, a sudden knock on doors could scare them. The tenants could look out, yell and kick them out, thinking that they were drinking alcohol on the stairs.

One of my gay acquaintances told me that once he went after a dishy Georgian, a handsome man with a mustache, tall, with a powerful figure. They met at the railway station, and the Georgian "led" him to the entrance of the block of flats along some dark streets. When they climbed to the top floor, the Georgian unbuttoned his fly and pulled out ... an insignificantly small dick that barely stood out from the densely overgrown pubes. He demanded threateningly – suck it! The gay guy was revolted, disgusted, regretted that he had made such a mistake. He tried to pretend that he allegedly “suddenly felt bad”, that “he got dizzy”. Somehow this thing ended. After that, he scolded himself for the mistake he made. But the Georgians should have known that he was of no value for gays. And if he had nothing attractive in his pants, if his dick was shamefully small, then go fuck natural women, the size of the dick is not so important to them, but don’t go to the faggots.

There were many public toilets with cubicles in the city. Often the partitions between them were wooden, and, naturally, holes were made in them, sometimes quite large. Some queens spent many hours in such booths, as if lying in ambush, waiting for a guy or a man who wanted to do something to come in. And the men would put their dick in this hole in the wall, and from the adjacent booth their dick was sucked happily. Oddly enough, a lot of straight people in those faraway Soviet times went for it, stuck their dick in the hole. Moreover, through such a hole between the cubicles you could even fuck in the ass! And the straights fucked! It can be said that this was a common practice.

Between the queens there was a fight for cubicles, because some of them were more comfortable and visited. It got to the point that they bribed the cleaning lady, gave her some money, so that she would kick up a stink and drive out from a convenient place an impudent queen, who had sat there for five hours. And they also acted as follows: in order to drive out the gay who occupied the cubicle thus blocking any rotation, they threw a burning newspaper into the cubicle. In this way, they smoked out the insolent type.

Probably, some people have an inborn propensity for blowjobs. Once I saw a “toilet gay”, a man of about 45, who sucked a dick. I was amazed that his face at that moment was incredibly transformed, he became like a human embryo - his eyes are reflexively closed, tightly shut, and his mouth made intense sucking movements, as newborns do. And that's the way it goes, the sucking.

When I later went to Azerbaijan, I learned that the attitude to blowjob was different there. In Baku, in the capital, of course, they knew about it and practiced it, although they preferred the ass. But for rural “archaic” guys, an attempt to take a dick in the mouth, as I was told, could cause surprise, bewilderment and even disgust. The common people had the idea that you can and should only fuck in the ass. They were the right people.

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Dick lovers

When I met people from this environment (it was the end of the 1960s), I immediately noticed that they talk mainly about dick, about its size. The big dick for faggots was of paramount importance, all thoughts and conversations were only about it. For the majority, neither masculine appearance nor masculine behavior mattered, only "primary male sexual characteristics" attracted them. Some even stated: “I don’t care who, what kind of person is in front of me, for me the dick may even stick out of the wall.” There were a number of very effeminate kind of fagots with pretty big dicks - they enjoyed great success, even if they were ugly as a mortal sin.

They were called "girls who fuck”. These are passive faggots who had a big dick and could get a hard-on when they were young, they could fuck and act like fuckers. But their essence still remained insufficiently masculine, to put it mildly.

All gays, active or passive, have a significant lack of masculinity, which manifests itself in various forms. In fact, only bisexuals, occasional straights and, of course, men from the Caucasus, from the South, who are also inherently bisexual, were truly active. Alas, among the northern peoples  you observe only passivity with rare exceptions.

The size of the dick was calculated in centimeters. All this talk was full of deliberate exaggeration.

- Oh, I met such a guy, his dick is 25 centimeters.


- Oh, I just sucked off a man, his dick was 30 centimeters (!).

Another familiar faggot, an unfortunate "actress", was so obsessed with cocks that when "she" went to bed, she would put swimming trunks next to her, in which a large greenhouse cucumber was stuffed. She will throw her hand to the side and there, in these shorts, she will feel something long and hard. And that will make her happy.

If a guy or a man was walking towards a faggot, then the faggot’s gaze involuntarily, against his will went toward the guy’s fly. Was there a bulge?  Some admitted that they could not help themselves, they could not bring themselves not to look into the area of the fly.

Nobody cared about the ass. The situation in the Caucasus was quite different, however. In Azerbaijan, it didn’t matter what was in front, they needed to fuck, they looked at the ass.

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