
Gay guy meets a Soviet pop star


I already wrote that many faggots had female idols. Some preferred ballerinas, others operetta female singers, but most often women from the pop world. Edita Piekha enjoyed special love with her non-standard voice and demeanor, a light foreign accent. In 1960 and in the early 70s, Piekha really stood out against the background of the monotonous Soviet pop squeakers.

Almost every cruising area in the USSR had a gay regular with the nickname "Edita Piekha", sometimes just "Edita". There were also those who managed to really get acquainted with the ideal of their dream transformation into a woman. Pop singers, including Piekha, knew that they had a big gay following, and did not neglect them at all. It was even somehow accepted that this or that pop star regularly met in real life with a gay guy, listened to compliments from him and received a bouquet of flowers.

Around 1975, something like this happened. One quite decent and fashionably dressed guy, a passionate admirer of Edita Piekha and having known her for some time, apparently decided to arrange another meeting with her. He reserved a table for two at a restaurant in the center of Moscow, ordered many dishes and various alcoholic drinks ... At the appointed hour, Edita Piekha appeared in person. She didn't even sit down, she just stood by the table for about seven minutes, sipped a glass of champagne, exchanged a few words and hurried away.

But what happiness! The gay guy met Piekha in flesh and blood, and now he could tell everyone about it! Excited, he started drinking what was on the table! More... more... more... This guy got drunk, and when the waiter came up, he immediately began to pester him. The waiter, without hesitation, escorted a completely drunk gay man to a secluded place in the basement of the restaurant where the waiter allowed the guy to suck him off. Then he called other waiters. They also fucked this gay in the mouth. And then ... and then all sorts of workers and porters came running, and everyone took turns fucking the guy in the mouth and in the ass ... Everyone who was in the basement at that time took part, even all scum. In the end, the faggot was lying unconscious on the floor with his pants pulled down, his ass bare.

After this incident, the whole restaurant staff told and retold in detail for another three days how they "fucked the fag in the mouth and in the ass." One porter boasted how he filled the whole mouth of the fag with sperm ...

This is how transition from the sublime to the dirty and low happened. However, I do not think that the drunk faggot was dissatisfied with anything later or had regrets about what happened. Most likely, he did want to be fucked by many men at once. This happened. Moreover, neither money nor documents were stolen from him.

I do not condemn this faggot and do not want to laugh at him. It just so often happens in life that the sublime merges with ridiculous. Because they exist side by side.

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My first trip abroad

Prague. Wenceslas Square.

We all pinned great hopes on foreign countries. Firstly, not a single East European socialist country had an article in their criminal codes penalizing for homosexuality. Secondly, it seemed to us that there were “a lot” and that “it is common”. It was difficult to go on a package tour or by invitation even to the countries of the Soviet bloc. Often it was not possible to choose a country for a tourist trip. And so it happened that the first country I went to was Czechoslovakia. It was August 1972. I bought a package tour for 12 days - Prague and other smaller cities, incl. Karlovy Vary. With me in the group was also my friend, Alik B., of the same orientation, but ten years older than me.

The very crossing of the USSR border was an exciting event. A strange feeling gripped almost everyone in the first moments when the train was no longer on the territory of the USSR. I kept repeating to myself: “I am not in the USSR, I am outside of it, I am abroad, here, right here, there is no more USSR!” The train crossed the border already after midnight, in the dark, and then many tourists clung to the windows, stood for a long time in order to see the abroad, something different from what we have become accustomed to in our entire life in the Soviet Union.

- Look, look, what houses! Look, the cars are not like ours! - was heard in the carriage.

In the morning we arrived in Prague. It struck the Soviet tourist primarily with crowded shops, an abundance of clothes and shoes. Everyone had the same problem: how to spend the exchanged rubles so as not to miscalculate and not make a mistake.

On the very first day of my arrival there was a scandal because of me. After we settled in a hotel our guides suddenly announced that everyone must go to the Lenin Museum and some cemetery of communist leaders without fail. I said: "I will not go!" I had to urgently run to the city center and look for a "special cafe for homosexuals", which I had already heard about. - I'm not going with the group! I insisted. The whole bus was waiting for me for a long time, but in the end they left without me.

I alone walked from the hotel to the city center, to Wenceslas Square (before going on this tour, I even learned Czech and could speak it well). There was an underground passage on Wenceslas Square, and there were toilets in it. I immediately rushed into the toilet. I saw that one person was leaning towards me. He looked completely unattractive to me, but I decided to get all the information from him - where is the cafe where they gather, and so on. He immediately took me upstairs and led me to this cafe, it was called "Europe". Moreover, he told me that “our people” were gathering on the second floor, so it was necessary to go up there right away.

It was very strange to be in a gay bar! All the men or young people were sitting there. I thought that the waiters, probably, were also like that. And everyone around knows it, and nobody bothers!

I ordered myself a beer. Met some faggots, apparently regulars. They told me that there was also a gay night club "TT", but I did not dare to go there. On another day, I brought my older friend Alik there, and he was completely stunned, petrified... “And everyone who sits here just like that?”, he asked. It seemed to him that cars with policemen and KGB officers must immediately drive up, arrest everyone and send them to prison.

Sexually, Czechoslovakia disappointed me greatly, although for a while I tried to convince myself that I really liked everything, and I enthusiastically told everyone about my trip. There were no active men in the places of gatherings of faggots, they were only "girls", and even more passive in their essence than the Russian ones. True, the Czech "girls" looked better than the Russian ones, they were dressed fashionably, often mimicking men. Apparently, the European “system” has taken root there, when “the less passive fucks the more passive”. Such people in Russia were called "lesbians" and "shifters". All this, among other things, was combined with the Czech language, which sounds childish to the Russian ear (with many diminutive suffixes), which further reduced the feeling of being masculine. I met someone in Prague, went to spend the night, it turned out that I had to fuck and fuck, and at the same time he also fell in love with me. I could not understand why I was chosen for this role.

I'm in Prague on Wenceslas Square

A similar thing happened in Karlovy Vary, where there was a cruising area. Again I met someone, then we rubbed against each other, it was not clear what we were doing and we thought that we had "great love".

The only good thing about these Czech acquaintances was that later these people came to the USSR, brought good clothes, deodorants, after-shaves, and sold all this to us at a reasonable price.

I forgot to mention that before the trip to Czechoslovakia, when it was not yet known whether I would be allowed to go there or not, a KGB officer came to my house. “Well, you understand that the decision about your trip is made by us ... So ... We are interested in what people are talking about in the tour group, what kind of conversations are being held there ...”

But more about the KGB - later.

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Felix and his sportsmen

Chronologically, it was already later, in the year 1980, or about that time. We lived without telephone, and one day the doorbell rang. There were three Armenian guys, they arrived in Leningrad. Someone gave them my address. Then it was customary to take addresses from friends in order to stay in another city. Well, these Armenians knew who they were going to, because they were given my address by an acquaintance who had had sex with me. All of them were students of the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports in Yerevan. Felix was cheerful, active, strummed the guitar, we drank. We slept together, we had sex. The other two of his comrades also came to fuck me, but Felix was, as it were, my main one. Of course, they all dreamed of women, but on occasion they could well fuck guys. Bisexuals.

By the way, they did not understand our Russian women at all, they could take any Russian whore for a beauty and the ideal of their dreams. Which happened a couple of years later, when this Felix tried to settle in Leningrad. He began to live with some slut (with children), who drank and smoked. Once he came to me in panic - urgently find a doctor for me to treat gonorrhea, which he picked up from his drinking concubine. And he himself was a handsome man, an athlete!

We have long noticed that men from the Caucasus see in women, first of all, only a pussy. We have often seen some handsome Georgian or Armenian walk in company of a repulsive woman whom no one here in Russia would look at. Also people from the Caucasus cannot determine our age.

After a while I went to Yerevan, stayed at a hotel and found this Felix. He often came to my hotel room alone or with friends, we had sex - with him and with his friends taking tourns.

And they themselves, by the way, all the time went out on the balcony to see if some visiting Russian woman would accidentally come out. They wanted to pick up some woman in this central hotel. But there were no women! Affordable women are a rarity there. The situation was like in a men's prison, so to speak.

Felix - we must give him his due - all the time wanted to give me presents and introduce me to as many handsome Armenian guys as possible. Once he brought a certain Hamlet (this was his real name), also from his own institute of sports, a really handsome man. Unfortunately, we didn’t really succeed, we fumbled with him, but his dick never got up. He was very worried about this and later apologized. “Well, I don’t know what happened, I don’t have an erection and that’s it,” he said (he probably masturbated often).

Armenian Institute of Fysical Culture and Sports

But Felix came up with another idea of genius. He brought me to the hostel of the Yerevan Institute of Physical Culture and Sports. First, we stood in front of the entrance to the hostel, and Felix approached one or another student and said something in his ear. He probably said something like: “you know, there is one Russian guy here, well ... that is ... he, like a woman, wants to be fucked in the mouth and in the ass, do you want to be with him?”

It was then that I realized how this Caucasian (and generally southern) bisexuality functions. It functions best through friends and recommendation, but not through hot spots or street pick-ups. 2/3 of guys and men or even more are ready to fuck guys and men, but most of them will never take any active steps to find someone.

Near the dormitory of the Institute of Sports there was a continuous flow of students, and I was surprised to see how Felix recruited his acquaintances for me. I came to the hostel in the evening to a specially prepared room which was reserved for me. I was locked up there, and the key was held by Felix and his friend Vartan. Actually, they stood at the door and regulated the queue that formed towards me. And there was a big queue! (This is a unique case, this can never happen again!) The first ones have already begun to arrive... He enters, and the door is locked behind him. It should be noted that at first everyone wanted to fuck in the mouth. I'm sitting, and a student athlete stands in front of me, pulls out his dick and says: "suck!"

But then they still went for the ass. There was noise and uproar behind the door, I can make out some Armenian words like “faggot” and “fuck”. I must say that 2/3 of my visitors did not impress me in terms of their sizes and sexual capabilities. This is generally true for athletes. With impressive external forms in the pants, most often there is something very modest inside. On the contrary, some random strangers, not students, who were hanging around the hostel at that moment and got into this stream, left a good impression.

One of them was very good! While fucking he kept asking me, "where did you learn to give in the ass so well?". “I never thought it could  be such a thrill. Will you come with me to my city? All my friends will fuck you there too.” He kept fussing, could not decide where he should come - in the mouth or in the ass. “I’m going to cum in your ass now… no, I’ll pull out my dick and cum in your mouth…” However, he didn’t have time to pull it out, and finished in the ass.

There were also gloomy types. One hunky guy, like a weightlifter, comes in but the dick is mediocre. He puts it in my mouth and says:

“I would kill you if I meet you anywhere else. If not for Felix, I would have killed you because i hate faggots”.

The queue moved forward. Ten people passed. I sit in swimming trunks on the edge of the bed, looking indifferently in the space in front of me. Out of the corner of my eye I see the crowd of students. "Me, me, my turn now!" (in Armenian) - I understood this from their gestures and intonations.

All of a sudden everything stops. The hostel is dead. It turns out that a football match will be shown on local television. Felix and Vartan gave me the keys to the room. After making sure that there was no one in the corridor, I went to the shower and toilet and put myself in order there.

After the end of the football match, everything began anew. Felix and Vartan stood up with the key on the door and let those who wished through, strictly one at a time. Finally, I already wanted to stop this business, I was fed up, I felt that enough was enough. but no! They beg me to stay, “because there is another guy standing here, he has been waiting for two hours, he did not have time before football, and now he is waiting.” I served this suffering guy.

In conclusion, I was fucked by my organizers and gatekeepers - Felix and Vartan. At first I counted, but then I began to lose count. It seems like twenty-five people passed through me, no fewer. They all had this psychological mechanism that if someone fucks, then they must also fuck, and if they refuse, then it means that they are, as it were, not real men.

Tired, happy and surprised, I returned to my hotel room. You can try this once in a lifetime!


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My first trip to Armenia

It seems to have been January 1973, my student holidays, I was in Baku, Azerbaijan, which was covered in snow, and from there I decided to take a train to Yerevan, the capital of Armenia. Yerevan, too, as it turned out, was covered in snow. I stayed at a hotel located quite far from the city center, where an old, rattling and slow tram went. The hotel room was for two, and therefore it was impossible to invite anyone.

Armenians are all around and only Armenian is spoken everywhere. Russian population and easily accessible Russian women were not visible there, so men had sexual hunger. The Opera and Ballet Theatre in Yerevan:

Immediately in the center I found several public toilets, where, as it turned out, life was in full swing. One of them was in the square near the Opera and Ballet Theatre. All underground toilets were in a terrible state, there were mountains of shit and puddles of urine, a strong smell of bleach, besides, in the evenings they were not lit, it was pitch dark. And so Armenians descended into this fetid darkness, they coped with it without problems and there they performed all sorts of sexual acts. Basically, of course, those who wanted to fuck prevailed. I had sex right in the toilet, but I was not satisfied with such anonymous sex, I wanted to see a man naked, to feel his body.

There was one guy, wow, with whom we went to fuck several times at the amusement site that was not working in winter. It was near my hotel, and there, in some kind of wooden booth, I stood on a bench, and he fucked me well. Then he explained to me: “I don’t know what it is, but, here, I have an urge to fuck a guy.” But with what a pleasant feeling I walked through the snow back to my hotel! I remember that along the way I saw young people walking around, singing “Money, Money” by Abba in Armenian.

I remember once in a cruising area near a public toilet I got into a conversation with a Russian, a business traveler, who was very upset that he could not find anyone. I asked him what the matter was, there are so many people hanging around here. - Yes, it’s good for you, you are looking for young people and all the young people come here, but I need an old man, an elderly person ... But where can I find him here! He was a gerontophile. At the time, I didn’t understand this attraction at all so I couldn’t even sympathize with him.

It became clear to me that in Yerevan you can make acquaintances everywhere, in all places, because Armenians are bisexual. It was possible to get to know somebody even at the tram stop, where I waited for my tram for about forty minutes. At the same time, an ordinary person could tell you the whole history of Armenia, starting from biblical times, and with the names of all Armenian kings and heroes. They would necessarily point out that Charles Aznavour and Sylvie Vartan were Armenians. The tram itself was fun and sexy. I got into the second car, late in the evening there was a complete mess, everyone smoked (it was allowed) and it happened that I got to know some people. But then again, all sexual activities took place outside, in the cold, in a hurry, because I didn't have a place to invite anybody.

Skipping a few years, I was already on my other visit to Yerevan. A strange and macabre incident happened. I just met on the street an Armenian of about thirty, handsome, with a black mustache. He really liked me and I liked him too. It turned out that he was from Feodosia (Crimea), he came to Yerevan to visit relatives. We went to a bathhouse, to a separate room with a bathtub. After all the caresses, he began to push his dick up my ass. As luck would have it, there was no lubrication, my saliva, apparently, was not enough, my ass was too tight. Suddenly, blood started flowing profusely from his cock. It turns out that the bridle string was torn. There was a lot of blood, at first we were completely shocked and did not know what to do. Finally, the blood was somehow stopped with handkerchiefs. But the mood was gone. We packed our things and got ready to leave. Before leaving, he opened his wallet in front of me and defiantly counted all his money in front of my eyes. But in the beginning, when we only met, he invited me to his place in Feodosia - “the day after tomorrow we will fly together”, “you will live with me”!


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