
Things that did not happen

In earlier times, in public transport, you could exchange glances with guys and men. You look, he looks, and so on all the way. It's gone now, like so many other nice things. Nowadays if you look at someone a little longer than you should, they may ask: “What are you, a faggot?” Or even worse.

 One day I was returning from the City to my Suburb, and was wxchanging glances with a simple attractive straight man. Suddenly there was a stop, some minor insignificant stop. He gets up and leaves. Then he came up to my window in the carriage and began making signs - well, why are you sitting there, you dumbass, come out with me, let's go together ... But then the doors slammed shut and the train started moving. I stuck to the window. He waved his hand. I never met this man again, although I travelled by train along this route every day. I kept looking out for him

In 1967 I was in Georgia visiting my classmate. I was in a village located far from the capital. From there I was returning by train to Tbilisi. I was in a 3rd class carriage, and every time I went for a smoke in the vestibule, one man stared at me, as if I were a holy icon. One time he followed me, also to smoke. Well, of course, in the vestibule we immediately started talking. It turned out that he was an Armenian from some Georgian village. It was just a normal ordinary man from the Caucasus, he had dark eyes. He never took his eyes off me! As if suddenly he met in me the man of his life. He travelled with his elderly mother, who paid no attention to anything. The station where they had to get off was approaching. The Armenian began to persuade me to get off with him and stay with him - "you will live with me." I refused, of course. Something told me that there would be no “happiness in life” there, and everything else was not worth getting off a long-distance train with God knows who and who knows where. So, I waved goodbye to him when the train started moving, and he slowly trudged somewhere with his elderly mother and luggage. He also gave me some sign of farewell.


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