
A chance meeting in Tbilisi that left an indelible mark

I have been to Tbilisi many times and with varying degrees of success. Something began to change in the late 1970s, and compared to the 60s, there were more people aware of the possibility of sex between men, although this topic was, of course, not mentioned or discussed in the media, as it is now. Men didn't have to make hard choices for themselves - "who am I, after all?"

In the year 1978, I had the opportunity to go to Tbilisi and stay there for twenty days in a hotel. The hotel was called "Sakartvelo" (Georgia). The hotel was close to the center, it was a building of Stalinist architecture. I had a spacious room with a high ceiling and mirrors…

Hotel "Sakartvelo":


In Tbilisi, I knew many people and, in addition, there were some phone numbers that my friends gave me. I had a good time there! There were always people in my room, and I had to run to the nearest shop for bottles of wine every now and then. I will not describe everything, it is impossible. I can only say that in Tbilisi on one of the streets there was the only car cruising area in the USSR. There, cars passed slowly with the doors ajar, and sometimes you could join someone inside ...

I was struck by the bisexuality of Georgians. You could start talking a stranger on the street, and often the conversation ended in fucking.

This is exactly what happened with Gia. I loitered at the Railway Square metro station, looked at the people going out into the street. Here is the place:

Suddenly we crossed eyes with a guy of about 28 years old, he was an ordinary Georgian guy, in a jacket, like a mechanic. He immediately stopped, I went up to him, we lit a cigarette. It turned out that he works at the airport in the helicopter maintenance team. Very soon he asked: “Do you have a place to go?” - Yes, - I answered, you can come to me, to the “Sakartvelo” hotel. Non-residents were not allowed into the hotel, and I used to throw my entry pass out of the window, wrapped in a bag along with some heavy object. It seems we did the same with Gia.

We drank a little, and Gia immediately completely undressed. Me too. “No,” he says, “we will not fuck in bed, but in front of a mirror.” In my room there was a floor to ceiling mirror on one of the walls. I stood the doggy style on the carpet in front of the mirror, and he fucked me in different ways for a long time and with great pleasure. I felt good from complete relaxation, from the disappearance of any complexes. Wow! I met someone on the street, brought him to a hotel, and here we are fucking ... Dreams come true, as they say now.

After all this, we went to bed and talked for a long time. I asked Gia:

- Tell me, whom do you like to fuck more - women or guys? He thought about it and replied:

- I do not know for sure. When I fuck a guy, it seems to me that it’s better with a guy, and when I do a woman, it seems that it’s better with a woman.

This is absolute bisexuality! This is exactly what I have been looking for so long.

Gia remained in my memory for the rest of my life.


In modern times, when all people have been informed about what homosexuality is, when even children know about it in all details, this phenomenon of bisexuality among the peoples of the Caucasus has disappeared. Because clear definitions have emerged - "I'm a fag or I'm with women." Something that didn't exist before. That era is gone.


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