
Discovering Turkey


In 1986, when I was already living in France, a friend of mine suggested that I go with him on a tourist trip to Turkey. I remember that at that time I had a Soviet “permanent residence” passport, and I had to apply for a visa for Turkey. Russians in those days did not travel to this country, as they travel en masse now. They were not seen or known there. So my visa application at the Turkish consulate in Paris was an event even for the consular staff. And in Turkey itself, it happened like this: I once stood at the entrance to our hotel, and suddenly I hear some people telling each other (I understood a little Turkish) that Russians were staying here, in this hotel. We were such a curiosity!

Turkish resort Kilyos:


Türkiye beckoned and attracted. It seemed that many sexual fantasies could come true there. And the main thing is that there are men and active men there. This has been confirmed. We bought a trip for one week to the Black Sea resort of Kilyos, 40 kilometers from Istanbul. So we had a rest on the beach and, in addition, we took walks in Istanbul twice.

Turkish soldiers:

At the Kilyos resort itself, we also made acquaintances. We were lying on the beach together, there were Turks or Turkish soldiers (there was a military unit nearby), and they would definitely pay attention, whistle, say something in their language. Sometimes they will sit down next to us, and we will begin to explain ourselves in different languages. Once we were lying like this, sunbathing, and two Turkish soldiers stuck to us. Just as if we were girls. And just like with girls they made a date for the evening. We had one room for two, so my friend went first with one of the soldiers. After a while, he came out ecstatic. With "mine" we had so far sat and waited on the bench, but now it was our turn. Everything was fine, my soldier fucked me, but after that he still began to beg for some kind of gift - "give me this, give me that." I didn't give him anything.

Istanbul. Taksim Square:

We went to get acquainted with Istanbul. During the day we went back and forth, did not know where to look for “adventures”. On one street, my friend popped into a store for some reason, and I remained waiting for him at the door. Suddenly I saw that a crowd of Turks gathered around me, mostly young people. They stood and looked at me. They looked at me lustfully. I was even embarrassed. A little later, we slowly walked along the main street past a cafe with tables outside. The waiter came out, a young guy, and stared at us. In one hand he held a tray with a teapot and cups. With the other hand, he began to wave to one of his own, so that they urgently came out to look at us. At the same time, his tray overturned and crashed to the floor. Then I thought - what was so special about us? Just blondes wearing jeans, that's all. And do other European men also catch the same stares on themselves and do Turks react to them in the same way?

But what about women? We asked some of our group. It was said that in the city the Turks silently followed them for miles, just walked behind them for several hours, without bothering them in any way and without making attempts to get to know them, they were simply happy at the sight of them. However, they also followed us more than once and walked for a long time. We felt the tail. We had to stop, go to the store, somehow get rid of them.

Next to a Turkish soldier:


Turkey was under martial law at the time. Many military men were seen in the city, they stood guard at all the monuments. You could come up and take a picture with such a soldier. When asked to take a picture together, the soldier gave a smile and, of course, allowed.

We rented a room in a hotel in Istanbul for one night (a seedy one, where you could bring anyone you like) and went to a gay nightclub. I vaguely remember what happened there. I only remember that four people accosted me at once. And they offered to go to fuck somewhere on the outskirts of the city. I then completely lacked the sense of self-preservation, and I went. We arrived at some wasteland, in the port area. Then I had to get out of the car so that they would fuck me in turn in this wasteland. And I balked, pretended that I changed my mind, because one of this company seemed to me completely unacceptable (fat, or what?). I could have said: "I want to fuck with these, but not with this." Well, I was a fool! I said that I would not get out of the car, I will not fuck at all. “Then where shall we take you?” they ask politely. "Back to the hotel." And they drove, and drove for almost an hour. They thanked, smiled and left at the door of the hotel. I still don't understand how it happened and how it ended so well. I could have tolerated the fat and "unacceptable" one, no big deal.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, the center of Istanbul, and I had not yet fucked with anyone. There were fewer and fewer people in the center. Suddenly, several guys literally run towards me from different directions at once. One ran up first, the other two muttered something like “oh, hell, I am too late! what a failure!" And the first one was, apparently, from somewhere in the provinces, a simple rural guy, in trousers and a white shirt. We immediately went to my hotel room (a dilapidated cheap hotel "Milan", three lira a night, but everything was possible there, you could bring anyone and do anything). Immediately we rushed into bed, and without any delay, he begins to fuck me. Fuck in the ass, no "mouth" there. It was good!

After that, the guy asked me if he could pick up empty beer bottles, put them in a bag and left. But - I really liked this picture, how three people ran across yhe street towards me ... And in general, the feeling that fucking with men is the norm of life.

(After a couple of months, the topic of AIDS will appear, it will reach the Turkish newspapers, which will spread throughout the country that this is a Western infection carried by Western gays.)

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